
  • President Manion announces new executive position, task force
    Posted in: News

    By Anna Hansen College President Andrew Manion has begun efforts to promote inclusion and anti-racism at Edgewood with the formation of a diversity task force and the establishment of the new executive position of vice president for mission, values, and inclusion. According to Manion, the search for the Vice President position will be nationwide and […]

  • The Edgewood community supports Black Lives Matter
    Posted in: News

    By Anna Hansen Edgewood College community members gathered along Monroe Street June 11 in support of the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement. Organizers included Abby Briseño, Yahaira Figueroa, Jahdai Guerrero, Vivi Velasquez, and faculty members Geoff Adelsberg, Ashley Byock, Lisa King, Susan Pastor, Ferrinne Spector, and Donna Vukelich-Selva. Edgewood student Sasha Shannon said what has […]

  • Academic Rank Committee echoes AAUP’s recommendations
    Posted in: News

    By Anna Hansen Edgewood College’s Academic Rank Committee (ARC) says the college was wrong in firing four faculty members, three tenured and one tenure track, on May 27. The firings were the latest move in the college’s attempt to reduce its budget deficit. The June 19 review has now moved on to the college’s board […]

  • American Association of University Professors urges Edgewood to reinstate fired faculty members, update handbook regulations
    Posted in: News

    By Anna Hansen  A national association of higher education professionals is investigating the May 27 terminations of seven Edgewood College faculty members.  In a June 10 letter to new Edgewood College President Andrew Manion, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) said that Edgewood administrators did not involve faculty in the decision to fire the seven and didn’t prove financial “exigency.”   Manion, who became president of Edgewood June 1, inherited the situation […]

  • Edgewood eliminates seven faculty positions; Three tenured, four tenure-track
    Posted in: News

    By Anna Hansen Edgewood fired seven faculty members on May 27 in their ongoing efforts to cut costs. The college had offered nine Voluntary Separation Incentive Packages (VSIPS) on May 1. These were sent to faculty in the following departments: Computer Information Sciences, Communication Studies, Economics, Mathematics, the School of Education, English, and the School […]

  • The empty common area in Predolin .
    Letter to the Editor: Reopening in Fall Poses A Detriment Far Worse Than Financial Loss
    Posted in: News

    Picture this: the crisp late-summer air blows color-changing leaves off the trees outside the Predolin Humanities Center. The sculpture outside the Sonderegger Science Center spins rapidly as a result of that late-summer air. Weeds and wildflowers protrude out of cracks in the sidewalks that lead from Wingra to Mazzucchelli Hall, and the waters of Lake […]

  • Letter from the Editor: To the Class of 2020
    Posted in: News

    By Alyssa Allemand At this time, we were supposed to be packed in the Alliant Energy Center, getting ready to walk across the stage and shake Interim President Sister Mary Ellen Gevelinger’s hand as we receive our diplomas.  I thought I would at least be able to wear my graduation cap and gown today and take some pictures in […]

  • College offers third round of VSIPs in one year
    Posted in: News

    By Alyssa Allemand and Jena Emmert Edgewood College has circulated another round of voluntary separation incentive payments (VSIPs) to continue erasing the 2019-20 $6.1 million deficit.   The college announced VSIPs for Spring 2020 on May 1. Nine packages were offered this round.  Faculty were to apply for VSIPs by May 13, said Vice President for Academic Affairs (VPAA) Margaret Noreuil at a […]

  • Letters to the Editor: Commencement Commentary
    Posted in: COVID-19, News

    Due to COVID-19 restrictions, Edgewood College cancelled the commencement ceremonies scheduled for the weekend of May 16. 2020 graduates are instead invited to the 2021 ceremony and can arrange private ceremonies with president-elect Andrew Manion this summer. Here are some thoughts from this spring’s graduates. Hello fellow Edgewood College community,  To put very simply, since […]

  • EDITORIAL: Cutting Edge Intern Santi Elbow reflects on writing for OTE
    Posted in: News

    By Santi Elbow I started working with On The Edge News when I was a sophomore at Edgewood College in 2016 through a partnered paid internship with the Cutting Edge Program. Over the course of the four years I have worked with OTE, I have covered various topics for different articles. I built connections with […]
