
  • Inclusive Internship Project to still grant full stipends
    Posted in: COVID-19, News

    By Kenzie Carlson  Despite COVID-19 related problems, students will still receive their guaranteed internship stipends through the Inclusive Internship Project. Edgewood College understood the financial burdens that students are faced with and wanted students to find comfort in knowing their stipends still hold true even though many of the participating organizations have gone remote, cut hours, or ended completely, said Richelle Kasten, inclusive internship project coordinator.  Wisconsin […]

  • “Poetry for the Pantry” raises over $800 for emergency food fund
    Posted in: COVID-19, News

    By Rachel Gomoll  Despite the pandemic and quarantine, student organizations have been active— English Association held a fundraiser, raising over $800 for the River Food Pantry. In the English Association fundraiser “Poetry for the Pantry,” EA members wrote poems for those who donated to the River Food Pantry of Dane County.  The River Food Pantry established a COVID-19 emergency food fund […]

  • Manion waiting in the wings as college president
    Posted in: News

    By OTE staff  Edgewood College President-in-waiting Andrew Manion has declined to be interviewed by OTE until he officially takes office June 1.  But he did say he is honored to be the ninth president of Edgewood College.  “We will be an innovative, student-centered community committed to providing an excellent educational experience, pursuing truth, and fighting for social and economic […]

  • Letters to the Editor: COVID-19 Chronicles
    Posted in: COVID-19, News

    Shoutout! to the Edgewood College crew for their commitment to the community, keeping everybody moving forward during these terrible moments. The unity and fraternity are the keys to success in crisis times and Edgewood keeps us in it through a permanent communication system. My respect and appreciation for all that you are doing.  -Maria Nuñez  I’m grateful for the opportunity to say congratulations and farewell to the class of 2020. It has been a great honor […]

  • WCOnline coming Fall 2020
    Posted in: COVID-19, News

    By Santi Elbow  The Writing Center will be implementing WCOnline in the Fall 2020 semester. Deb Kruse-Field, the Writing Center director, has worked with the Technology Assistance Center to start testing WCOnline this spring while shifting to online tutoring during the COVID-19 pandemic.   “Ever since I started in this position back in August, I’ve wanted to get an online Writing Center […]

  • Letters to the Editor: Student Senate Election
    Posted in: News

    Edgewood’s Student Senate Executive Board Elections for the 2020-21 academic year go through April 17. Elections for the Student Voice Representative are April 20-24. Voting Students should have an email in their inboxes from Student Senate President Sydney Wilcox. There is a link to the Qualtrics ballot that each student will be able to complete and submit. On Monday, students […]

  • COVID-19 UPDATE: Online instruction to stay through Summer 2020
    Posted in: COVID-19, News

    By Alyssa Allemand The Edgewood College President’s Advisory Council has decided to continue online instruction through the Summer 2020 session in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Interim President Sister Mary Ellen Gevelinger and Margaret Noreuil, vice president for academic affairs, made the announcement via email to students, faculty and staff on April 14. “Although it […]

  • Student Senate 2020-21 elections take place this week
    Posted in: News

    By Maria Chacin Edgewood’s Student Senate Executive Board Elections for the 2020-21 academic year started today and will go through April 17.  Current Student Senate President Sydney Wilcox, an Edgewood senior, said she is excited for this year’s elections. “One of my big goals coming into my last year as a member of the Student Senate was to see the […]

  • Edgewood College announces new president; Andrew Manion to start June 1
    Posted in: News

    By Alese Steinhardt  Andrew P. Manion has been selected as the ninth president of Edgewood College. He will start the role on June 1.   The Edgewood College Board of Trustees made the announcement on April 9.   In an email to Edgewood students, faculty and staff, Interim President Sister Mary Ellen Gevelinger said Manion will begin consulting […]
