
  • Herzog to resign March 31; restructuring and faculty updates
    Posted in: News

    By Alyssa Allemand and Robin Gee  Melanie Herzog, dean of arts and sciences at Edgewood College, is resigning on March 31. She announced her future resignation at the School of Arts and Sciences assembly on Jan. 17.  Associate Professor of Philosophy John Fields will take over the position beginning April 1. He previously served as dean of arts and sciences […]

  • Pribbenow to resign Jan. 2
    Posted in: News

    By Alyssa Allemand Dean Pribbenow, vice president for academic affairs (VPAA) and academic dean, is resigning from Edgewood College on Jan. 2, 2020. He has served as VPAA since July 2012.  On Dec. 13, Pribbenow announced his resignation to colleagues via email. The subject-line of the email said, “Do Not Forward: Recipients can’t forward, print, or copy content.”  […]

  • Tension continues at Edgewood College as students and faculty meet separately; apologies emerge
    Posted in: News

    By OTE staff  Around 40 students gathered Monday (Dec. 9) with Heather Harbach, Edgewood vice president for student development, and interim college President Sister Mary Ellen Gevelinger. This meeting was “for students only,” according to an email from Harbach.   At the same time, five faculty members called a meeting for both faculty and staff in which some expressed distaste for the actions taken by administration.  […]

  • Edgewood student organizations, alumni make statements in light of controversy
    Posted in: News

    By Anna Hansen A routine Google search lead an anonymous student to an article from the College Fix that informed readers about the involvement of a far-right national group, Traditional Family Property (TFP) Student Action, in the college’s decision to remove a link to Planned Parenthood from its wellness resource page. “When I saw the […]

  • EDITORIAL: Truth matters
    Posted in: News

    On The Edge Editorial Board In an October essay sent to faculty and staff, Chief of Staff/Diversity Officer Willie Larkin said: “Among the many qualities I like and respect most about Edgewood College is that President Mary Ellen Gevelinger and her Senior Leadership Team have invited the entire college community to join in as we […]

  • Letters to the Editor
    Posted in: News

    On my visit to Edgewood College in high school, it was amazing to walk past the offices in Predolin and see the resources that Edgewood has to offer to make students feel included. It was one of the main reasons I chose Edgewood over other colleges in the state. Working for the equality of all people is […]

  • Gevelinger a no-show; students call her a “coward”
    Posted in: News

    By Alyssa Allemand Interim Edgewood College President Sister Mary Ellen Gevelinger angered her students when she failed to appear at a public forum on Friday, Dec. 6. The Student Senate had asked her to publicly apologize for removing a link to Planned Parenthood services from the Edgewood website several weeks ago under pressure from a […]

  • Student Senate wants public apology from Gevelinger over Planned Parenthood’s exclusion
    Posted in: News

    By Alyssa Allemand  Edgewood College students are mobilizing for a meeting tomorrow (Friday, Dec. 6) with Edgewood College Interim President Sister Mary Ellen Gevelinger in an escalating battle over removal of a Planned Parenthood link from the college website in response to a petition from a far-right national student group.  Student anger about Gevelinger’s action roiled this week after Tradition […]

  • Right wing student group claims victory over Planned Parenthood at Edgewood College
    Posted in: News

    By Alyssa Allemand and Anna Hansen  During the Christmas tree decorating ceremony Wednesday (Dec. 4), the Edgewood College chamber choir silently protested the removal of a link on the college’s wellness resources page that connected to Planned Parenthood—they put “I Stand With Planned Parenthood” stickers on their music folders.    Meanwhile, Tradition Family Property (TFP) Student Action, a conservative […]
