
  • OPINION: Voting is making your voice heard 
    Posted in: News

    By Oliver Soler  It is apparent now more than ever that young Americans need to vote. College students have some of the lowest turnout of any demographic. This is appalling because we have such a high stake in this election.    We need to cast ballots.   We need to turn out at the polls.   Our voices need to be heard.  […]

  • OPINION: If You Don’t Vote, You Are the Problem
    Posted in: News

    By Ari Ebert-Standard Here’s the thing—no matter what side of the political party you may fall into right now,  you’re probably fired up.   It’s safe to say that if you pay attention to the news, you’re strongly opinionated. The news often makes us feel helpless, like we have nowhere to put our pent-up political energy.  This isn’t the case; […]

  • Edgewood College student completes summer health program at UCLA
    Posted in: News

    By Lexi Chitwood Jenny Kim, an Edgewood College junior, completed the six-week Summer Health Professions Education Program (SHPEP) at the University of California, Los Angeles.  SHPEP is a summer enrichment program that engages freshman and sophomore college students who are interested in health professions. The program focuses on giving opportunities to students who come from disadvantaged or underrepresented backgrounds.   Students […]

  • On The Edge News open to opinion pieces
    Posted in: News

    OTE is inviting well-written opinion pieces from students, faculty, and staff on issues relevant to the Edgewood College community. Prospective pieces should be 200 words or less. OTE reserves the right to decide which pieces will be printed and/or otherwise distributed. 

  • Anonymous donation boosts Edgewood College’s endowment 
    Posted in: News

    By Lexi Chitwood and Josh Klak   A $7 million donation announced last summer is expected to increase Edgewood College’s endowment by almost 20 percent, officials say. The endowment currently sits at $40 million as of 2018.  Ed Taylor, director of strategic communications, praised the passion that the anonymous benefactor has for the college. “Large gifts are […]

  • Freshmen orientation program makes changes 
    Posted in: News

    By Perri Moran Over the course of four days in the middle of August, Edgewood’s new first-year students got to experience what most students in the years ahead of them also got to experience at the beginning of their college journey… orientation.   Some students were nervous about the new campus and people, some were annoyed […]

  • Student Senate plans three more town halls
    Posted in: News

    By Anna Hansen The Edgewood College Student Senate is planning four town halls throughout this semester to engage students in campus politics. In an interview, Student Body President Sydney Wilcox said diversity, equity, and inclusion are priorities. “We have four town halls planned in the upcoming months,” said Wilcox, who has been involved in politics […]

  • Edgewood Colleges votes. Here’s how to do it. 
    Posted in: News

    By Marissa Ramirez The Fall 2018 general election will take place Nov. 6. With many Edgewood College students voting on their own for the first time, it is important to know how the voting process works while away at college.     Edgewood College was recently placed on Washington Monthly magazine’s list of “58 Best Colleges for Student Voting,” along with the UW-Madison, Harvard University, Northwestern University, […]

  • New devices add to classroom security 
    Posted in: News

    By Charlotte Williams  Edgewood College has added to their security with the addition of Nightlock locking handles to buildings on campus.   The Nightlock devices create an alternative to barricading classroom doors with furniture in a lockdown situation.   Nightlock devices are installed on the base of doors, and according to their website, use the strength of the floor to withstand tremendous force. The devices installed near the […]

  • Edgewood College bans plastic straws 
    Posted in: News

    By Katherin Torres Edgewood College is banning plastic straws and replacing them with compostable ones in the effort to become a straw free campus.   Experts say plastic can be a threat to the environment, and abandoning plastic straws is a start to reducing carbon footprint.   According to National Geographic, major corporations like Starbucks, Marriot Hotels, and American Airlines have publicly announced they would phase out plastic straws. So have many metropolitan areas like Miami […]
