
  • New Programs May Boost Transfer Numbers to Edgewood College
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    BY ALEX THOMAS | PHOTO BY YASIR ALHUMAIDAN New programs will be introduced on May 12 to improve the transfer numbers between Edgewood College and Madison College, according to Christine Benedict, the director of admissions at Edgewood College. Through Madison College, there will be three new “2+2” programs. This allows students to get their associates […]

  • Speakers on Healthcare Come to Edgewood College
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    BY SHANZEH AHMAD Wisconsin is ranked in the middle of all states for quality of healthcare but second highest in the nation for cost. Chris Queram, president and CEO of the Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality, said that even though Wisconsin and the rest of the nation have made progress in the last 15 years, […]

    Edgewood Seeks to Combat Underrepresentation in the Science Field
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    BY JESSICA BLACKBURN | PHOTO BY YASIR ALHUMAIDAN Edgewood College’s ROSE project (Resources and Opportunities in Science Education) seeks to aid families from underrepresented backgrounds with opportunities to teach parents about science so they can prepare their children to thrive in the science community. According to Director of Science Outreach and Associate Professor of Natural Sciences […]

  • Free Earth Dinner Highlights Food Connections
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    BY WILLIAM LUND  Students from Edgewood College are putting on a free Earth Dinner. The dinner is providing a healthy and inclusive meal where vegan and vegetarian dishes will be served. On Friday, April 21, from 12-1:30 p.m. in the Washburn Heritage Room, students from the religious studies class Living Sustainably in a Dominican Studium […]

  • School of Business To Host Third Executive Speaker Series
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    The School of Business at Edgewood College will host its third installment of the Executive Speaker Series on Wednesday, April 19, 2017 from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in Anderson Auditorium. A reception will immediately follow in Predolin 115A and 115B from 5:00pm to 6:00pm. The panel session topic is “Perspectives on Value and Quality […]
