Edgewood literary magazine rebrands as LOST/FOUND

By Jonathon Lund 

After 12 years and 12 volumes under the name of Edgewood Review, Edgewood College’s student creative arts magazine has rebranded as LOST/FOUND. 

Assistant Professor of English Adam Fell, advisor to Edgewood College’s student creative arts magazine, said the Edgewood Review under the watch of now-retired English professor David Young was a wonderful anthology full of the great creative writing work Edgewood students were doing year after year.  

“However, it wasn’t as colorful or as eye-popping for our visual art students,” Fell said. “In an effort to create a more interdisciplinary arts culture at Edgewood, we want the rebranded magazine LOST/FOUND to speak to writers and artists on campus, but to also be resonant and relevant to students outside of the arts.” 

LOST/FOUND is an annual collection of undergraduate student poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, artwork, and photographs. The collection is edited and designed by Edgewood students.  

“The creative arts editors, art professor Tina Cady, and I want LOST/FOUND to break down the traditional academic barriers between the English and art students on campus by creating a progressive, modern, interdisciplinary arts magazine that showcases the full vibrancy of Edgewood students’ fiction, poetry, and visual arts,” Fell said. “LOST/FOUND will embody the fierceness of spirit that are evoked in our student’s creative work.” 

Rae Howe, an Edgewood College senior, is the senior editor of LOST/FOUND. She was a co-editor for last year’s Edgewood Review. The other co-editors for this year’s publication are senior Jena Emmert, sophomore Reed Schroeder and junior Hannah Devyor. The four of them decide which submissions of student writing will be in the publication and work with those writers to edit their pieces. 

“I love melding together so many creative talented voices into one edition and seeing how the pieces all work off one another,” Howe said. “I also love bringing all the artists and writers together once the print edition arrives and seeing all the pride on people’s faces. It’s also always great to make Adam Fell proud.” 

Edgewood senior Robin Gee is the creative director of LOST/FOUND. Gee works with two graphic designers, junior Emily Schlepp and Emily Hanson. Their jobs are to choose which artwork and photography submissions go into LOST/FOUND and to design the layout of the magazine. 

Gee said leading the redesign is an exciting opportunity and is hopeful LOST/FOUND sparks more collaborations between students.  

Students are encouraged to submit up to five poems, up to 15 pages of short fiction or creative non-fiction, and up to five photographs or pieces of artwork. 

The submission deadline for the current volume of LOST/FOUND was Feb. 7, but students are encouraged to submit to the next edition as long as they are still an undergraduate student at Edgewood College. 

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