Edgewood student, faculty build Dobsonian Telescope

By Anna Hansen and Alyssa Allemand

Edgewood’s Chemistry, Geology, and Physics Department cite a summer full of hard work done by Adjunct Professor Kylee Martens and the Ebben Fund Summer Research Program for Undergraduate Student Research as contributors to the production of their 20-inch Dobsonian Telescope.

Melissa Sikes is the Edgewood student granted the Ebben Fund that made the project possible. “Professor Lancor, Kylee Martens and I came up with the project to bring a unique opportunity to bring science to not only the school, but the community,” Sikes said. “I am very passionate about bringing science into the public, and that research at Edgewood College should be included for everyone.”

The summer’s work included testing out the telescope to learn its ins and outs, and then creating a manual for future educators and students to refer to.

The telescope has recently been relocated from Edgewood campus to Ernest Hupenden’s Painted Forest in Valton, Wisc. Students were invited to join in observations at The Painted Forest. The final fall session was supposed to be on Oct. 5 but was cancelled due to weather. The featured photo, taken by Program Coordinator for Science Outreach Jeanne Benink, is from Sept. 14, the first night of observations. 

Sikes is eager to see what opportunities the Dobsonian Telescope will bring to Edgewood College and the surrounding community in the future. “The goal is that science is alive, and changing all the time,” she said.

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