Edgewood students revive Women Empowerment Club

By Mimi Wells 

Edgewood students are reviving the Women Empowerment Club with a mission of educating students on feminist ideas and advocating for equality.  

Freshman Ellie Olbinski got the idea to restart the club after attending the student club fair. She went online to look for more clubs and took an interest in the Women Empowerment Club.  

She contacted senior Alyssa Allemand, who was involved with the club in the past. She informed Olbinski that the club had been inactive and gave Olbinski information about the club to restart it. 

Olbinski found friends who were interested. Olbinski will be the president of the club, student Katie Lange the vice president, Emily Fritts the social media manager, Breanna Kluz the events manager, and Cassidy Johnson the treasurer.  

Olbinski spoke about her and the other officers’ hopes and mission for the club.  

“We hope to educate people around campus on different ideas of feminism and how it can be advantageous to everyone to live by those morals and to help support women on campus who feel like they really don’t have another support system,” she said. 

Associate Professor and Co-Director of Women’s and Gender Studies Lisa King will be the group’s faculty advisor. King said she hopes that the club will be beneficial to students on campus. 

“I hope it will provide a space for discussing gender-related issues in the world, on campus and in students’ lives,” she said.  

The club is still in its preliminary stages, but the officers have ideas for events, like movie and pizza nights where members will watch movies by female directors, and art nights. 

Olbinski said the club is open to ideas for events. They plan to hold weekly meetings in West Regina’s Third Floor common area. 

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