Letter from the Editor

By Alyssa Allemand 

I’m filled with infinite gratitude as my first semester as editor for On The Edge News comes to a close.

Firstly, I thank our staff writers, editors, media editors, and photographers, whom are all students at Edgewood College. They take time out of their already hectic schedules for On The Edge because they have a passion for the work that journalism stands for – seeking truth, finding voice, and participating in the public sphere. We have seen campus involvement with On The Edge significantly rise, and I continuously remind myself that I would not be here without these fellow students of mine.  

On The Edge has also grown and thrived through support from Edgewood faculty and staff. Many people have reached out to me to congratulate the work our campus newspaper has done this fall semester. I specifically thank the members of Edgewood’s English Department. These faculty members believed in me much before I believed in myself. Their constant reassurance, guidance, and praise leaves me endlessly humbled.  

I owe everything to Patricia Simms, English Department adjunct and the adviser for On The Edge. Her 40 years of experience with the Wisconsin State Journal gives her the utmost credibility; she is an inspiring mentor for me as I continue my work with On The Edge, and whatever follows when my time at Edgewood ends.  

I am also grateful for Pat’s flexibility in allowing me to work with students in her Introduction to Journalism course by assigning topics and deadlines that correlate with On The Edge. Having these students to rely on has been a blessing, and I hope to see them continue their participation with On The Edge. 

Our staff has been working on building a new website along with an app, and potentially adapting podcasting. There will also be some column additions to On The Edge, such as “Dear Eddy” (Edgewood’ version of “Dear Abby”). Something else we have in the works is the course English 202, which offers students the opportunity to receive 2-4 credits for their contributions to On The Edge. The timeline for these expansions is not concrete, but to start off, we hope to complete the new website and app next semester. 

I have gained a new appreciation for Edgewood College and the surrounding community through my work for On The Edge, especially when I notice the stacks shrinking – an indication that people actually take our copy. Distribution is stronger now that I have been spreading our editions along Monroe Street. Genuine thanks to these businesses and Edgewood College for allowing On The Edge to be a voice for our community.  

Thank you for allowing me to serve.

We make this campus, and we can know the truth about it. Thank you.  

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