Letters to the Editor: COVID-19 Chronicles

Shoutout! to the Edgewood College crew for their commitment to the community, keeping everybody moving forward during these terrible moments. The unity and fraternity are the keys to success in crisis times and Edgewood keeps us in it through a permanent communication system. My respect and appreciation for all that you are doing. 

-Maria Nuñez 

I’m grateful for the opportunity to say congratulations and farewell to the class of 2020. It has been a great honor to be a part of your college experience. Honestly, coming to Edgewood has given me a renewed faith in our young adults. I have witnessed great compassion, random acts of kindness and an honest effort to grow and do better. I know you are all destined to do great things with your life and have a positive impact on the world. With pride and love in my heart, I wish you much success and joy in the exciting new adventures that await you.  


  -Vicki Mathison, Phil’s Dining Hall supervisor

The work is three times more than face to face. I continue to teach from home (I am a 1st grade Dual Language Bilingual Teacher). Very difficult to keep up with all. 

-Rafael Burgos Rivera 

I have a lot of thoughts regarding things such as refunds, how our professors are engaging with students, and more.

I believe that we should have 50% of our tuition refunded. I believe this because we have had face-to-face instruction taken from us. My professors have not been the best at communicating about deadlines and assignments, have been harsher on grading, have added to their syllabuses to encompass things they couldn’t fit into our face-to-face instruction times, and have simply just been a disappointment. I no longer believe that I am receiving the education I have paid for.

I am truly disappointed with how Edgewood has handled this situation. And once again, Edgewood has just dropped the ball with all communication. If I could truly get what I think is right, Edgewood would have to refund all of our tuition for this semester since this semester didn’t start off great and now it isn’t ending great, either.

This year at Edgewood has just been a s*** show, and now I have decided to transfer because I am not going to continue paying ivy league prices for a joke of a school. I refuse.

Thank you for taking in student concerns; I think that this is very important. Stay safe!

-Ciara Smith, sophomore

My experience with teaching online hasn’t been without its struggles, and we’re all learning as we go, but I think it has been working reasonably well. 

I know that this has been a stressful time (to say the least), but I just wanted to give a shout-out to my students…they have been simply amazing! Patient, creative, and flexible…they have shown themselves to be excellent problem-solvers and engaged learners. Several of my students are juggling my class and others along with other essential jobs (healthcare, lab positions, and so many more), figuring out how to do online learning in less-than-ideal circumstances, taking care of family members, etc., and I am so inspired by their persistence. 

This wasn’t the semester anyone signed up for, but when it comes to rolling with the punches, being game to try new things, and making the best of a difficult situation, Edgewood students are second to none and I could not be more proud. Hang in there, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need help. 

-Louise Stracener, associate professor of Chemistry  

In the Time of Covid (a poem)

Fractured Phone Calls / Socially Connecting / Physically Distancing / At home / At home / At home again / There is no place like it / Except for work / And school / And the bar / And the vacation / Spring break / What break / Can you give me a break off that kit kat bar / You really aren’t that far / The neighbor across the street feels eons away / The sister in Ireland I speak with everyday / Connecting amongst the estranged and strange connections at the grocery / I bling out my mask and I sport my best new accessories / I say more prayers for myself getting through another day with my kids, or for those sick with Covid / I grieve the loss of the idea of plans made / A ceremony / A trip / A dinner party with friends / Ever getting paid / I look around / I’m not alone / In quarantine / In isolation / I’m not alone / This is some consolation / We are together / Going through this change / The sun is out and then the snow and sometimes occasionally rain / What I know for certain is that all is uncertain / Let’s draw back the curtain to reveal our next right step / Maybe I’ll read that book I keep putting off / Or plan that trip for next year / Or write a letter with a pretty picture for a friend / Maybe I’ll just sit / Watch Netflix / Eat some chips / And wait / With Patience / Something I need practice in / To help Mother Nature heal from within 

Simone Danzig L., graduate student in the Marriage & Family Therapy program

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