MFT Rocks walks for mental healthcare awareness

By Pierce Doyle

October 19, 2020

On what was a particularly beautiful fall afternoon, Edgewood College’s student organization, MFT (Marriage and Family Therapy) Rocks took to “the streets of campus” to raise awareness for mental health care, and to raise funds for The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI).

This year’s Annual NAMI Walks Your Way fundraiser campaign was held virtually due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.

The “MFT’s Rock” name references the Marriage and Family Therapy graduate program at Edgewood College.

Aaron Doeppers, second-year student and team leader of MFT’s Rock, said the event was a major success as they managed to surpass their $1,500 fundraising goal.

“We raised $2,000 for NAMI and helped spread the word about the need for mental healthcare for everyone,” said Doeppers.

Prior to the ‘mini-walk’ on campus and down Monroe Street live music was performed by MFT student Andrew Rohn.

The turnout was slightly larger than expected. However, social distancing was practiced, and masks were worn by all participants and observers. Nine MFT students and one faculty member represented Edgewood College, of the 16 individuals who participated in the walk.

“We are certainly inclusive,” said Doeppers. “In particular, we welcome and encourage undergraduates who want to help us raise awareness and reduce stigma around mental health… due to COVID, the group could not be any larger, but we gathered representing so many more,”

According to Doeppers, students that are involved with his team and in their second year of the MFT graduate program are currently interns providing mental health support to those in need throughout the Madison community.

“We are on the front lines coping with the toll that COVID-19 is having on so many people,” said Doeppers

“Isolation, stress, and feelings of being unsafe are widespread. We urge everyone to seek support in these difficult times. NAMI is a critical support, as are our MFTs. There may be no more important time in history than right now to become a therapist.”

The members of MFT’s Rock are incredibly grateful for all the support they have garnered from the Edgewood community. Those interested in learning more can visit the NAMI walks website.

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