“Poetry for the Pantry” raises over $800 for emergency food fund

By Rachel Gomoll 

Despite the pandemic and quarantine, student organizations have been active— English Association held a fundraiser, raising over $800 for the River Food Pantry.

In the English Association fundraiser “Poetry for the Pantry,” EA members wrote poems for those who donated to the River Food Pantry of Dane County. 

The River Food Pantry established a COVID-19 emergency food fund on March 16 to help provide groceries for hundreds of local households and provide bagged lunches for children through the pantry’s mobile lunch program. 

EA Co-Presidents Rae Howe and Hannah Devyor, Social Media and Outreach Coordinator Jena Emmert, Treasurer Rachel Gomoll, as well as former and current members of EA wrote poems for those who donated. They wrote over 35 poems and raised $823.23. 

Emmert thanked donors in a brief letter posted to social media, “We know that money is tight for most right now, yet you’ve shown your generosity,” she said. “There are families and students who have food at their tables because of you. It’s insane seeing donations that are above and beyond the price of the poem you’re buying, and it reminds us how lucky we are to be part of your community.”


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