Residence Life announces optional move-out dates for displaced students

By Nikole Jaramillo 

 Students displaced from campus will be able to return for an “optional move-out process” from April 27 to May 15, excluding weekends. There will be three time slots on each day: 8-10:30 a.m., 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., and 2-4:30 p.m. 

This was announced on April 21 in an email from Residence Life.

According to the email, four residents from each building are allowed per time slot. There will also be a mandatory move-out for residents who do not participate in the optional process once the “safer at home” order is lifted. 

Some displaced students said they are frustrated by poor communication with Residence Life amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“In general, instead of the college reaching out to students, it seems like students are having to reach out to the college for information,” Hannah Summers, an Edgewood junior, said. 

Prior to the April 21 email, Summers said she last received an update from Residence Life about moving her belongings out of her campus residence on March 25. 

On March 11, Edgewood College sent an email informing students, faculty, and staff that residence halls would be closed until April 5 “at the earliest.” This was extended to April 17 after most students left campus. 

“We weren’t told to pack everything up,” Summers said. “Only to pack up essential items like medications.” 

According to Summers, Residence Life had informed students in an email on March 25 that they would not be able to pick up the rest of their belongings until further notice. 

“This is frustrating because many students, including myself, have clothes, books, textbooks, and other hygiene items and were told we are not able to personally retrieve them,” Summers said. “If it was approved by the head of housing, an RA would go into our apartments, search our apartments for the item, and then retrieve it which is something I am not comfortable with.”

Students still living on campus

Residence Life told OTE in an email that there are currently 15 students living in the residence halls. 

Students still living on campus said Residence Life has been continuously communicating with them. Edgewood seniors Lexi Chitwood and Jenny Kim said they have been regularly contacted by Residence Life staff members. 

“I’ve felt like I could reach out if I needed to,” Chitwood said. 

Students with extenuating circumstances could fill out an application to remain on campus.  

Chitwood said she got approved to stay in the Dominican Apartments because of her jobs in Madison and not having a place to stay in her hometown. Kim was approved to stay in Dominican Hall because she would not be able to travel back to her home in Guam due to the pandemic.  

For Chitwood and Kim, campus has been “quiet”. 

“I don’t actually feel like I’m on campus because I’m mostly just in my room or in the kitchen when I need to make food,” Kim said. 

According to Kim, dining services are available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Phil’s. Additionally, Eddy’s is open from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Fridays. 

“For Phil’s, we call to order food from a menu that day, and they let us know what time it can be picked up,” Kim said. “They charge us by asking for our student ID over the phone instead of swiping our IDs.” 

Kim said they are given large portions of food in microwaveable containers at regular prices. To-go meals and bulk meal options are also available. 

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