Student Senate plans three more town halls

By Anna Hansen

The Edgewood College Student Senate is planning four town halls throughout this semester to engage students in campus politics.

In an interview, Student Body President Sydney Wilcox said diversity, equity, and inclusion are priorities. “We have four town halls planned in the upcoming months,” said Wilcox, who has been involved in politics from a young age. “Our goal is to gain a better understanding of students’ experiences and to adjust campus life to cater to that.”  

Student Body President Sydney Wilcox

The town halls each have their own themes. The first town hall on mental health and wellness was held on Sept. 17.  The second town hall on Oct. 15 will cover diversity and inclusion. This will involve college president Scott Flanagan, who will be updating his work following the walk outs of last semester.

Two more town halls are scheduled on Nov. 5 and Dec. 3. They will take place in Predolin’s Anderson Auditorium from 5:30 p.m. until 7 p.m.

The Student Senate opened with an event in Wingra Commons on Aug. 29 to share ice cream and thoughts on the way Edgewood’s campus is run. Student Senate members hosted the event, titled “Senate and Sundaes,” in hopes of engaging their fellow students in the current events of campus politics.

In addition to these town halls, two “Lunch and Learn” events are also to take place soon. Like the senate and sundaes event, students can congregate around free food in the name of campus politics. Another “Lunch and Learn” will take place on Nov. 7. President Flanagan will be present as well, talking and listening to students in attendance. These two events will take place on Sep. 18 and Nov. 7, both from 11:30- 1 p.m. in Predolin Commons. 


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