Students petition for Spring 2020 tuition refunds

By Anna Hansen

Edgewood students are asking the college to consider partial tuition refunds following the campus’s switch to online classes spring semester.

Ciara Smith, finance chair of the Edgewood College Student Senate, has started a petition in hopes administration will consider these refunds. The petition currently has 77 views and 12 signatures.

Student petitions are a growing trend among many colleges across the country due to COVID-19-related campus closures. Students at New York University and Wharton, for example, have been gathering signatures demanding refunds on their tuition costs.

Smith said she created the petition to “open Edgewood’s eyes about the way students feel during this time.”

“My goal for this petition is to ask Edgewood to look into it and refund us a prorated amount for tuition because this is not the education I paid for,” she said. “I am really upset because I loved Edgewood and the main thing that drew me to Edgewood was the type of education I would be receiving.”

Smith said Student Senate spoke with Margaret Noreuil, vice president of academic affairs, about student frustrations with faculty.

“We, as a collective, felt we weren’t receiving the education we are currently paying for,” said Smith. “I recognize that not all Edgewood professors are being unhelpful to their students, but there are definitely some consistent names being brought up … I am just fighting for what multiple people have expressed to me.”

This is the second student petition created this Spring 2020 semester at Edgewood College. On March 19, a student petition was addressed to Interim President Sister Mary Ellen Gevelinger requesting a pass/fail grading system. The college announced the option for students to choose pass/fail grades on April 1.

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